looking for something?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dr. Who?

So it was my very good, shy, friend's birthday this past week. She is obsessed with a capital O with Dr. Who. I have seen one episode, with her of course, so I am not really sure on the whole concept, but I'm sure some of you readers know what it is. So on the vanilla bean cupcakes I added little images from the show to toothpicks and then put sprinkles that matched the pictures colors. It is the perfect trick to make cupcakes personal for anyone without using the awful fondant. I think they turned out adorable, what do you think?

The toothpicks

All 6 together

Friday, January 25, 2013

Pinterest Love

Hi all! It is Friday! Yay! Let's see, this afternoon Sedona and I are going downtown to take outfit photos, which is exciting. Tomorrow I have the Caloosahatchee Celtic Festival and the Screaming Orphans concert which should be so much fun (I'll post the pictures on the Weekend Re-Cap). Other than that it should be a somewhat relaxing weekend. Next weekend is going to be crazy so hopefully this will be a perfect lead up to that. Below are my favorite things from Pinterest at the moment. If you click the Pinterest logo to the right you will go to my fabulous profile-xx!

Love the peplum + neon.


I don't think I can even do this.

These are adorable!

Love Chevron.

This bracelet mimics the painting above.

Hunters...oh my.

Parisian Cafe

Apple Tart, yum!


Weekly Irish dance inspiration.


Thursday, January 24, 2013


Hello all! I apologize for not saying anything on my Tuesday post (Red, White, + Blue in January...) Tuesday was quite crazy for me. Today has been very nice and relaxing. I am about to start making gumbo in fact! Yay! That post will be up next week. Tomorrow is Friday, and I have no idea what I am doing yet, but I'll let you know. Aside from that this weekend is hectic so I will schedule some posts. Have a thrilling Thursday! 
A note about the outfit: 
I know I posted an outfit a few months ago with this headband, but I love it too much not to wear it again! It is truly unique, and one of a kind so I really cannot help myself. I have worn this outfit downtown to Art Walk so many times I cannot count. It is warm, but not oppressively hot. 
{What you need: Staring at Stars Shirt (UO), 
Lucky Brand Jacket (Lucky Brand Outlet), 
Jeans (Levi's San Francisco), Flats (Gap), 
DSW Bag (DSW), Headband (Franklin Shops)}

Want more?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Book Review: The Runaway Princess

So I know this blog is about fashion + food + travel, but I like to think of it as my artists palet...so I am adding more "lifestyles" things to it. To begin this phase I am adding book reviews. I love to read, and I love to write so it is perfect! The book, The Runaway Princess (by Hester Browne), is an incredibly easy read, in fact it took me two days. The plot follows Amy Wilde a gardner from Yorkshire living in London. She is going through the motions of life, never finding anyone to be with, at parties she is always in the kitchen by the sausage rolls. Her flatmate/best friend Jo is the social butterfly who knows everyone. At a "Heaven and Hell" party Amy meets Rolf and Leo, Rolf falls on a balcony and messes up Amy's clients flowers. Feeling bad Leo offers to help find them and replace them. Amy finds herself flirting endlessly. A little while later Leo asks her to help him design his garden, he really just wants to see her more. Then Amy finds out he is the Prince Leopold William Victor Wolfsburg of Nirona. She freaks out, but soon they are dating, going to charity balls, and then they are engaged! The writing flows so well you loose track of time and you find yourself smiling and blushing with the faux pas Amy is making. But everything changes when Leo's grandfather dies and leaves the crown with Leo's father. This means he is the next in the line of secession. Amy is now put through princess boot camp, and can she take the stress? You'll have to read to find out! The ending is pretty typical, I knew it would be, but if you want to read something that will make you happy from the first page to the last, this is a great read for you. It is a classic girl book, everyone wants their prince! So I would give it
3 +++ (I thought stars were way to overused so I will be using a scale of plus signs, 4 being the best, 1 being the worst). Find the book here.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Quotes of the Week

This weeks quotes revolve around the big Irish dance performance this upcoming Saturday. I love to dance at festivals, especially this one, but I am always nervous I'll mess up. So here are some inspirational quotes that you can probably apply to your life (or if you're an Irish dancer then these fit perfectly!), except the last one. Have a marvelous Monday!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekend Re-Cap

I've spent this weekend relaxing, and loving the thought of having tomorrow off! On Friday I went out to Sanibel, Saturday I stayed in most of the day watching Sassy Pants & Anonymous, and Sunday I went shopping. Tomorrow is when all the homework catches up with me...but on the upside I am making Gumbo! 

Island Cow 

Island Cow

Island Cow

Delicious Muffins--Island Cow
New Hair!

Orange Leaf Yogurt- Orange + Vanilla

Newest Shipment of Cupcake Papers

Orange + Vanilla Ice Cream at Sun Harvest

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Night Owl

Yesterday I went out to Sanibel for a launch of a restaurant. I wanted to look chic, it was a little chilly, but it is still Florida, so this is what I chose. Have a special Saturday xx.
{What you need: DKNY Shirt (Marshalls), 
Skinny Pale Jeans (Madwell), Poppy Bag (DSW), 
Steve Madden Flats (Goodwill), & Owl Necklace (gift)}

Want more?

Check out all my outfits >>
How I style a whale brooch >>

Friday, January 18, 2013

Pinterest Love

This week seemed to go by so slow! But it is finally here--a three day weekend! Tonight I went out to Sanibel & Captiva, so look for those pictures in the Weekend Re-Cap. Tomorrow I am working on an English project, but other than that I have no real plans. Have a good Friday night! 

Can we just talk about this skirt?

J.Crew maybe one of the most 
amazing stores ever.

This isnpisres my inner-prep!

Wayfarers in such a cool art print.

Inspiration for next week?

This looks beautiful.

I think it is time to have a party.

The Tuileries...

MMMM, lettuce + Asian chicken.

Holy cow look at that bird.
